
A shell script for a clean and simple front-end web development environment on macOS.

View on Github

Why Ando?

Tadao Ando is a a Japanese self-taught architect whose style emphasizing nothingness and empty space to represent the beauty of simplicity.

This script was inspired by his philosophy.

Tadao Ando

What Does It Include?

Basic Tools
Homebrew: Brews
  • Git for version control.
  • Tig is a text interface for Git repositories.
  • Mas is a Mac App Store command line interface.
  • wget is an internet file retriever.
  • Hub adds GitHub support to git on the command-line.
  • ImageOptim-CLI to make batch optimisation of images part of your automated build process.
  • Rbenv for managing versions of Ruby.
  • Yarn for managing JavaScript packages.
  • ZSH is a UNIX shell (command interpreter).
  • ZSH Syntax Highlighting Fish shell like syntax highlighting for zsh.
  • TheFuck helps programatically correct mistyped console commands.
  • WP-CLI is the command-line interface for WordPress. You can update plugins, configure multisite installations and much more, without using a web browser.
Homebrew: Casks
App Store Apps
NPM Packages
  • 11ty is a simpler static site generator.

  • ESLint linting utility for JavaScript.

  • Gatsby a static site generator built with React.

  • Gridsome a static site generator built with Vue.

  • Gulp a task/build runner for development.

  • ImageOptim-CLI to make batch optimisation of images part of your automated build process.

  • Netlify lets you deploy sites or configure continuous deployment straight from the command line.

  • MAMP-CLI a command line interface for working with MAMP. It can start and stop your MAMP, but also easily switch the document root so that you can switch projects easily by using a favorite list.

  • Pa11y a command-line interface which loads web pages and highlights any accessibility issues it finds. Useful for when you want to run a one-off test against a web page.

  • VSCE - The Visual Studio Code Extension Manager.

  • Vue-CLI for quickly scaffolding Single Page Applications.

  • yo CLI tool for running Yeoman generators.

Additional ZSH Settings (optional)

For full and most current listing, view on Github


Ando is meant to run multiple times on the same machine. It installs, upgrades, or skips depending on what is already installed.


git clone && cd ando

Review: (please don't run scripts you don't understand)

less blueprints


sh goAndo

Or run with log:

sh goAndo 2>&1 | tee ~/ando.log

Check and debug the log:

less ~/ando.log


Code was inspired, copied and modified from Mina Markham's formation.